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Spoken Word and Language Communication

            We all use spoken word in conjunction with body language to communicate with others. Language is at the core of every relationship. Language is the key to all human evolution, without it there would be no form of communication. Language is the highest form of thought expression. Language shapes our understanding of the world we live in. Language and words affect every individual's behavior differently. .
             In the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Language is defined as "the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community." Merriam-Webster also defines language as "a form or manner of verbal expression." Not communicating results in no evolution of human interaction. This is the reason why the absence of language is detrimental to communication. As humans, we thrive on interaction and communication through verbal expression. Humans also use body language, gestures, and symbols to communicate with each other. .
             Language has come a long way from what it is believed to have once been. Especially when pertaining to the Neanderthal era. Cavemen were known to communicate through grunting, gesturing, and cave painting. Now, in this era, we use an innumerable amount of words to communicate. Words have always been the lifeline that we use in our countless interactions with others. According to Alexander Spirkin, a Russian philosopher, "People are constantly afloat in an atmosphere of communication. They are eager to say something to each other, to learn or teach, to show or prove, to agree or reject, to ask or order, console, implore, show affection, and so on". Language is the highest form of thought expression. We use language in all of the facets of our daily lives. Communication is such an important element of existence that without it our cave-dwelling ancestors would never have advanced. Without the ability to communicate, a person cannot learn about culture and become a socially developed individual.

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