God told Abraham that not only was he (God) the only God but that Abraham's people were the chosen ones.
God created the universe out of nothing. This means that everything that has been created has in effect, been created by God. Evil exists, but God couldn't have created it because God is all-good. Free will is the only possible origin of evil.
Divine law is the essence of Judaism. Judaism is a practical religion and the divine law binds the human will to the divine will. There are many moral, civil and ceremonial laws, starting with the Ten Commandments (mitzvoth) the first five books of the bible (Torah) and the written Jewish law (Talmud). Next to the Bible, the Talmud is the most important and sacred book of Judaism. .
Sin is the opposite of faith for sin means not just being bad, but also breaking the covenant with God. Sin is not just a moral thing and faith is not just an intellectual thing, both are spiritual. Judaism does not accept the notion of original sin or the idea that all people are evil from birth and need the sacrificial death of Jesus as atonement for all of humanity's sins. The Jewish view is that humans are not naturally good or bad and have the free moral will to choose between the two. .
Judaism does not believe non-Jews will automatically go to Hell or that Jewish people will automatically go to Heaven on their basis of their belonging to the faith, rather, individual ethical behavior is what is most important. Traditional Jewish belief is that Judaism provides the best guidance for leading such an ethical life. .
The Jewish belief about Jesus as a man varies. Some see him as an ethical teacher who accepted Jewish law, but challenged the religious authorities of his day, meaning to improve Judaism, not to break with it. No one who is Jewish can believe that Jesus is the literal Son of God, or the messiah, for to the Jewish people, there is no God but God.