For example, laws are in place and people are afraid to break those laws because of the fact they fear the consequences that will come from breaking those laws. Terror enforces conformity and society as a whole accepts it. Also in many countries, it is socially accepted that when an individual breaks the law, they may be imprisoned, put to slavery, or death. This is the type of terrorism that is accepted. That means of course that there is an unaccepted form of terrorism. Generally, it is a violent action with intent to kill or seriously harm civilians, with the goal of promoting an intimidating act to a government or international organization. Terrorists are not a analogous group; they are diverse, they differ from place to place. Some of them see themselves as true geopolitical actors, whereas others are simply gangs or cults. Most terrorists genuinely believe that what they are doing is the right thing, and are willing to do anything at any cost. Depending on the level of dedication to the matter, many are willing to pay the ultimate price of dying for the cause. The main strategy of terrorists is to affect the population psychologically; they want to cultivate fear and anguish. They rarely aim to gain territory, rather to simply intimidate the targeted group. Since the events of 9/11, the world was forever changed. People's lives now entailed one prominent question; are they safe? Now when considering a holiday, without a second thought the first thing done is factoring in the safety of that destination, as well as considering a safe route, safest travel method, and additional time to be accounted for because of routine security checks. Terrorism is present in international relations and politics as ever, and it has been used as an instrument for the attempted upheaval of governments by minorities. It is an issue that has dominated international relations for the past number of years.