Lowery (2012) asserts that large amount of income was usually earned by rich people leaving the poor ones with either low income or empty handed leading to violence and economic destruction. There are rising number of problems in the nation regarding robbery and thieving, and problems of poverty due increase in economic inequality causing many problems among the poor due to frustration and aggression. This indicates that the economic inequality is increasing instead of declining, thereby triggering many problem by widening the gap between poor people and rich people. Economic inequality can be related to such social problems because if there is not much gap between poor people and rich people there would not be much tension building anger and frustration within them. .
The income disparity is the prominent component in Bhutan that creates increasing gap between poor people and rich people. According to Pelden (2009), 98 percentage of national income was shared by 2 percentage of total population and 2 percentage of national income was earned by 98 percentage of total population. The increasing economic inequality had reduced the number of college completion among the poor by making the educational opportunity unequal. This is because rich people can afford to pay for extra tuition fee while the poor are deprived from the basic educational financials (Jenck, 2002). Therefore children of rich people are able to acquire higher education qualification while most of the children of middle and poor family land up with low qualification. Therefore the rich become richer and poor remain poor. As per Ehrhart(2009), the life expectancy of people depends on the economic status which means that the life expectancy of the rich people is greater than the life expectancy of poor people. One of the clear indications of economic inequality is the migration of people from rural area to urban area because people often from the place where there is less resources and facilities and low income to the places where the resources and facilities are more and income is high (Hain, 2012).