Abstract individuals talk about ideas. The two ways of displaying our actions are in a cooperative fashion or utilitarian fashion. Utilitarian individuals are pragmatic and do what will earn results in the most efficient manner. They then worry about whether they have abided by laws and other social rules. Cooperative individuals base their actions on social rules, conventions, and other codes of conduct. However, they will later worry about the moral aspect of their actions. Overall, an individuals temperament is determined depending on how they communicate and act.
Once an individuals temperament is determined, it can be further categorized by the Myers-Briggs Temperament Sorter. This temperament categorization is based on four pairs of characteristics. The first of the pairs are extraverted (E) and introverted (I). An extraverted person is outgoing, prefers to work in groups, is sociable, and identifies the big picture when working on a project. On the other hand, an introverted person is reserved, works better alone, and frequently reflects on experiences. .
The second set of characteristics is whether an individual is sensing (S) or intuitive (N). A sensing being is pragmatic, remembers events as they actually happened, solves problems by understanding and utilizing facts, and trusts his or her experiences. Intuitive beings often remember various events from their personal perspectives, solve problems by fluctuating between different possibilities, and are interested in doing different activities. In addition, they prefer to identify the big picture and then understand the facts, have trust in impressions, symbols, and metaphors more than what they actually experience, and are always thinking of new possibilities. .
The third set of characteristics are thinking (T) and feeling (F). A thinking individual enjoys technical and scientific fields, notices inconsistencies, looks for logical explanations or solutions, makes objective decisions.