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Risk Factors - Cell Phones and Driving

Researchers from the Texas Transportation Institute found that between 1999 and 2008, fatal night time auto accidents among teens increased by 5 percent due to cell use ( Langford & Wang, 2010 ). Vivoda and colleagues (2008) conducted a study that evidenced this claim. Overall recorded rates of night time cell use were at 5.8% , but female drivers aged 16 to 29 were observed to be using cells at night 11.9% of the time.
             Youth are at high risk for falling victim to the negative effects of cell usage while driving, and rates of cell use amongst youth continues to grow at alarming rates. Youth also frequent the roads at night in higher volumes than do adults, and night driving while using a cell is extremely hazardous. In particular, college aged individuals have been observed to be the most likely to engage in cell use while driving (during the day), but little data on night time rates exists. In order to investigate whether cell use is continuing to increase among youth , this study seeks to explore overall rates of cell phone usage on a college campus. Furthermore, night time rates of cell use will be recorded. If youth are most at risk to use a cell at night, and are most likely to fall victim to an accident from this use at night, more data needs to be collected. It is especially important to collect college campus data in this category because college campuses have a high volume of youth trafficking roads during night hours. .
             Based on the previous research findings, the following is hypothesized: 1) Observed cell usage on college campuses will be higher than the current national average 2) Cell use on college campuses has increased since 2007 3) Night time cell usage by youth has increased since 2008 and 4) Night time cell usage will still be lower than daytime cell usage. .
             Method .
             Participants .
             Observations were conducted by groups of 2 to 3 students on 100 vehicles at various intersections or main streets on a college campus.

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