As indicated, one of the major causes of the deforestation in the Indonesian Sumatra rainforest is the logging for timber trade (Weatherbee 47). About 36 hectares of forest cover are cleared daily as a result of timber harvesting. Apart from the unsustainable logging, other factors such as fuel wood harvesting, climate change and conversion of forest cover for farming and infrastructure development have also accounted for the clearance of natural forest in Indonesia (Brown and Pearce 13). As mentioned, the results range from reduced biodiversity to disruption of livelihoods. The other effects include increased greenhouse gas emissions, disrupted water cycle and increased soil erosions. .
Climate change due to deforestation is largely due to greenhouse gases in the tropical region (Franchito 76). Studies indicate that tropical forests such as that found in Indonesia hold over 200 gigatonnes of carbon (White 53). Destruction of such forests release large volumes of carbon into the atmosphere. Essentially, it is estimated that the destruction of Indonesian natural forests accounts for over 50% of the total forest carbon release into the atmosphere (White 54). On a global level, warming due to deforestation accounts for around 60% of the warming in the tropical region when carbon increase is factored in. The increase of carbon concentration increases the change in the surface temperature due to the deforestation by 60% "75% in the tropical land region (Franchito 75).
In addition to carbon increase, deforestation correlates with decreased evapotranspiration, precipitation and net surface radiation in the tropical region (Franchito 74). The reduction in evapotranspiration and net longwave radiation flux that leaves the Earth is responsible for the increase of surface temperature, which leads to a warmer and drier climate (Franchito 74). Carbon concentration increase results in reduction of evapotranspiration and precipitation by 7 "12% and net surface radiation reducation by 48% "58% in the tropical regions (Franchito 79).
Other causes of deforestation of many hectares are mining operations and hydroelectric dams ("Destruction of the," 2002). ... With so many causes for deforestation, there are an abundance of bad results, too. ... Plus, world leadership, or the lack thereof, is almost non-existent when it comes to grabbing attention of others and addressing the deforestation issue ("Deforestation, tropical forests," 2001). ... We have also faced difficulty stopping deforestation at the international level, because at the U.N. ... On an international level, "countries like India, Zimbabwe, and Honduras have d...
These include: -Cultivation of land with unsuitable terrain or soils -Deforestation without adequate replanting, done for farming use -Improper soil and water resource management - leads to increased erosion, salinisation and water logging of soil -Overgrazing - too many livestock on too little land area The problem is mainly because of the increasing intensity of land use associated with rapid population growth and high population densities. ... India loses 6 billion tones annually, and atmospheric scientists in Hawaii can tell when spring ploughing begins in northern China. ...
You can find them anywhere in India except for in the deserts. ... In India, the population has developed immensely. ... Another major cause of deforestation is agricultural expansion. ... There are also several laws and regulations prohibiting poaching, hunting, and deforestation. ... TRAFFIC-India has been observing the tiger's state of affairs in India, especially around the trades of skin and other parts of the tiger. ...
The biggest threats of overpopulation is located in the countries of China, the US, India, Indonesia and Brazil. ... Deforestation is the cutting down and clearing away forests and is also an increasing global concern. ... Countries that have a large industry based around deforestation include the US, Brazil, Bolivia and Southeast Asia. ... Deforestation of forests and tropical rain forests do not only threaten the atmosphere, but plants and animals as well. If the amount of deforestation continues, it can eventually cause the extinction of thousands of species annually. ...
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE REPORT THE SIGNIFICANCE OF RAINFOREST DEFORESTATION IN THE AMAZON ASSIGNMENT NO. 2 By LISA FITTLER Date ABSTRACT The reason for this report is to address the ever-increasing problem of rainforest deforestation in the Amazon. ... This quote shows the extent to which deforestation in the Amazon affects our planet. ... Although we may not directly see the impact of such deforestation, we will all be affected during our lifetime. ... Reasons for Deforestation, scale, participants, and consequences 9. ... All information on types of fores...
This event, while lacking the violence of the first, has spread throughout the country of India with much of the same force and has sparked a movement that could prove to be just as momentous to millions of people. ... So what is the Chipko movement and how can this movement that started in a tiny village in the mountains of India have such substantial effects on an entire nation and possibly beyond its boundaries? To answer these questions, you must first understand the history leading up to 1973 and how the Chipko movement and its leaders have affected India's economic, ecological, ...
We are simultaneously faced with the burden of educating growing numbers of children, creating more jobs, dealing with hunger, famine, war, and counteracting the detrimental effects of these growing populations such as deforestation, soil erosion, and contaminated water supplies. ... Fertility rates in the U.S. are at an all time low at an average of 1.9 births per woman, whereas in developing countries such as India fertility rates can reach up to 6.3 births per woman. ...
India's improved health plans and programs have increased sanitation and allowed people to live longer. The average life expectancy for a woman in India is over 60 years old. ... Only 50% of India's population gets the food they need and those that do get it are not even supplied with a complete healthy diet. ... India has put together a 100 person committee to work out the problem of overpopulation but has no real solution yet. ... The global rate of deforestation has been around 15 million hectares annually during the last decade, although rates of reforestation have increased ...