Though not surprising given that the majority of sports are played while running, a recent study showed the highest injury rate for children occurred in cross-country running for both sexes and soccer in males (Collard 394). Adults who run long distances typically get fitted for proper running shoes, something not as common for children. Children are also more active and inherently less coordinated, increasing the likelihood of sustaining an injury.
There are many different risk factors that play into how likely it is that a typical child will sustain some form of injury while participating in sports or recreational activities including gender and previously sustained injuries. In many cases, genders are separated when playing team sports. Collard writes, "Boys have a greater risk of general injuries as they may be more aggressive, have larger body mass, and experience greater contact compared with girls in the same sports" (396 ). It is also true that the training boys receive encourages a higher level of physical play than the training received by girl athletes. Previous injuries also increase the likelihood of another injury being sustained. The problem is only exacerbated by unknown injuries or injuries not properly cared for; Ganley notes that upwards of 75% of injuries are never reported. Decreasing these risk factors is an integral part of making sports safer for children.
Injuries in children are more alarming as they have the real possibility of negatively impacting that child for the remainder of his or her life. To avoid serious long-term injuries, it is important for injured children to receive proper treatment and be held out of games and practices when hurt. One study found, "Each individual football player was nearly 20% more likely to experience a concussion than a girl playing basketball" (Ganley 274). In fast paced games like football where there are a lot of athletes running in and out of plays, it is critical for coaches and medical personnel to recognize the signs of injury and immediately pull the athlete out of the game.