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Caracteristics of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia might possibly be the most intense mental illness to have to live with. .
             The symptoms of schizophrenia range in severity and consistency from person to person. They may come on very suddenly, or they may appear gradually appear over an extended period of time. (MHA, 'Facts on Schizophrenia') Symptoms vary between individuals, and for periods of time a schizophrenic may suffer no symptoms at all before experiencing a psychotic episode where the symptoms suddenly increase. (Psychology Eighth Edition) These symptoms are what make schizophrenia such an unbelievably hard illness/disorder to live with. .
             What are the symptoms?.
             The most common symptom that a person suffering from schizophrenia will experience is the difficulty in being able to distinguish real events from dreams and hallucinations. (WebMD) The distinction between reality and imagination, between what is real and what is not real, is unclear to a schizophrenic person. They may believe that the day they are living through is nothing but a dream, or that the person they pass on the street was only a hallucination. On the other hand, they may have a dream or experience a hallucination that they are sure is real. (Psychology Eighth Edition) Hallucinations are a common symptom of schizophrenia. The actions schizophrenics' display is often extremely inappropriate. For example, schizophrenics often converse with the people they "see" or the voices they "hear", which appears to others as though the person is talking to themselves and causes others to feel uncomfortable and that person, thus avoiding them. This is just another reason many schizophrenics lead such lonely lives. (WebMD).
             There are three types of minor categories of schizophrenia: Disorganized, Paranoid, and Catatonic. These are all three very different types of schizophrenia and have different causes and symptoms. (Psychology Eighth Edition).

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