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Young Adults and Alcohol Consumption

            Alcohol is a drug chosen by young adults; many of them are experiencing the consequences of drinking and driving at an early age. This happens because when young adults attend nightclubs they are being served. At college parties, plenty of alcohol is involved. Nearly two of four teens, aged from thirteen to eighteen say that their own parents have supplied them with alcohol according to reports and that in the past six months they were suppliers three times on average. While seventy-one percent of parents with children, aged twelve through twenty disagreed with a stamen saying that it was okay while they were present and 76 percent said that they get alcohol from somebody else. .
             One of four parents with children aged twelve to twenty- one say that the allowed them to drink alcohol with their supervision and about one and twelve say that they allowed their teen friends to supervise them while they drink alcohol in the past six months. Twenty- one percent of teens attend parties where alcohol is given by parents. This means that other parents are unaware thats some parents are giving them alcohol. Thats why there are so many car accidents of underage drunk driving. The effects of underage drunk driving are that there are about 10.8 million underage drunk drivers in the United States. The deaths of teens are about 4,700 each year which include; about 1,900 from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 from homicides and about 300 from suicide, thats basically more than all the drugs combined (Cite 1). An average of 1/5 children began to drink alcohol before the age of thirteen. Adults who consume alcohol at the age of fourteen or younger are likely to become addicted to alcohol than adults who start at the age of twenty-one. .
             Alcohol poisoning usually occurs when you drink a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time, about 50,000 suffer of this problem each year and plenty of teens die as a result.

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