In addition to Corder's methodology, the theories of Language transfer as described in the Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (1992). These theories try to explain the errors in depth evaluating the nature of these errors. There are two categories: In the one hand there is Interlingual transfer these mistakes come from the learners first language, however this approach considers the L2 learner mistakes as a sign that the student trying to internalize and investigate the system of the new language and incorporate it in his own way. On the other hand, there are Intralingual transfers and developmental errors which are universally common mistakes which reflect the learners attempt to make the task of learning and using the target language simpler for themselves. It can also reflect the learner's partial learning of a specific system within the target language.
Methodological framework:.
The sample used for analysis is a piece of writing that was written by a 12 year old in primary school. The task was to create a personal introduction of a fictional foreign person of their choosing. .
"Good morning, my name is Oscar Faneite. I am twelve years old and when I grow up I want to be a arquitector because I like buildings very much, I also like mall's a lot and draw, I work in Spain, Madrid. This is my favorite city becaus there is very tall buildings. My grandpa was one and I want to become like him a famous arquitector. My bigger sister want to become a Doctoress and help sick people.".
The instruments for analysis that will be used for the analysis are Corder's categorization of errors these "fall into four categories: omission of some required element; addition of some unnecessary or incorrect element; selection of an incorrect element; and misordering of the elements" (Corder, 1973)Corder also includes linguistics levels of errors such as morphology, syntax, lexicon and sometimes pronunciation.