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Film Analysis of The Breakfast Club

Trusting someone takes courage because he or she is taking a risk of the other person judging them and or spreading their information. .
             Trust was displayed in the film when John confided in Andrew when he told him how bad his father treated him, cursed at him, and put a cigar out on his arm. The film portrays the idea that if people would put their trust in others they will find it easier to confide in them and share their feelings and thoughts without feeling judged. If people trust and open up to them then they can learn from each other and assist each other through life's obstacles. Another example of trust is when Andrew opened up about what he did to get Saturday detention and why he did it. The film changed my understanding of trust and helped me to see that the more you confide in someone you help them learn how to confide in you and you both begin to build trust. .
             The next theme is friendship. Friendship is a bond between two or more people where they share common goals and interests. In a friendship, the people involved support each other and their dreams. Friendships consist of the individuals spending time together. They feel comfortable being around each other and being themselves when they are together. Friendship does not judge. Many times friendship is developed based off of likeness but individuals that are not alike or not in the same clique can still become friends as displayed in the film. Friendships are not perfect but in the event of a disagreement all parties have enough respect and love for each other that they will apologize and forgive one another. In friendships you have to often have empathy and sympathy for one another. .
             Friendship was displayed in the film when John distracted Mr. Vernon and got caught in the gym so everybody else could get back to the library without getting in trouble. John cared about the other students enough to risk getting caught and getting in trouble for them.

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