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Cultivation in the New World - Scavenging to Plantation

The two groups that this essay mainly focused on are the Algonquians and Iroquoians. .
             Both groups in this essay practiced swidden, or slash-and-burn, horticulture. But the Algonquian bands traveled light and used hunting and gathering as their main source of food and used gardening as part-time. However, The Iroquoians created a new village-based way of life and built hill side lots to perfect their use of swidden horticulture. This made the Iroquoians be considered true "farmers ". As and effect of the Iroquoian's now cultivated enlightenment women a much bigger role to play. Now that cultivation, processing, and storage where so important the woman where now working beside the men and not gathering the traditional way, times where changing. .
             In the south, the tribes there had longer summers so they relied mainly on corn as their main source of food and diet, while the northern tribes around modern day New Hampshire and Vermont would still rely on hunting, trapping, and fishing. The men of the tribes would clear the fields while the women plowed the ground and seeded it. This was truly a time for expansion and communities, the old way of hunting and gathering was dying and the more efficient way of planting and harvesting was taking effect in what is now known as modern day New England. .
             With new land to plow and toil comes new interested people, and by that I mean the Europeans. In chapter two we learn about a man named Daniel Clocker in an essay called "The Rise of Daniel Clocker " by Lois Green Carr, He was and Englishmen from the Westmorland area of northern England. Little is known about how Clocker found out about the settlement Maryland, but it is known that he arrived there in 1636, he got passage to this colony by signing a contract to become an indentured servant to his captain Thomas Cornwaleys. Indentured servitude was how 70 to 80 percent of immigrants came over, the captain would make a special deal with the governor of Maryland lord Baltimore, if he brings over a certain amount of immigrants over then he will get a certain amount of land.

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