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Exploring Judgment: Martin Luther's Peak in the 95 Theses

Now, is he wrong to speak against indulgences while others see no harm? Everyone has his or her judgment on what is "Morally Right ". Therefore, Martin Luther believes that selling of indulgences is absurd. The Church was practicing in the selling of indulgences when they did not have the right to remit and penance for any sin or guilt. That was the sole job of their God and no one else could produce the right or charge for a right that they do not even posses. Luther was also disappointed in man and felt that they should take the consequences that go with their sins and hope that these lessons could be taught to them before it would become too late. What Luther sees as wrong is his perception; however, what others see is nothing harmful or wrong but right for them.
             Moreover, in expressing his disappointment with the church, Luther goes on to discuss the real ways a man should repentance his sins and not the way the church is having them repent at the current time; which is by having them pay for pardon of their sins and guilt. He states what he believes is to be worthy of God when it comes to recognizing the wrong in something that you have done and now want to be sorry about. In thesis 6 he wrote, "The pope himself cannot remit guilt, but only declare and confirm that it has been remitted by God; or, at most, he can remit it in cases reserved to his discretion. Except for these cases, the guilt remains untouched. " He goes on to state that the pope does not have the power to forgive someone's sins that is the power of the Lord and only him. The pope can only remit sins or guilt by announcing that God has actually remitted the guilt. The guilt should be served or repay by sinners and cannot be bought, but healed through God's grace (God's love). Is the Pope wrong? Some say yes others say no. however; the Pope claim to be selling indulgences was to raise funds for the Saint Peter's Church of Basilica.

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