Just like any other universities there are always certain classes that students are required to take it just so happen, philosophy is one of those requirements. The purpose of philosophy is to examine the possibilities that all humans share in their lives to create intellectually, spiritual, and meaningful lives When students are preparing to register for classes, researching Intro to Philosophy can come off to be quite dull and tough. These thoughts can be avoided by having the motivation to set goals, the motivation to learn, and the motivation to attend class. Once students follow these steps, the class can be quite useful and relatively interesting.
When students set goals for themselves, they strive to develop skills by learning as much as they can about the subject (Halawah 380). In Intro to Philosophy there may only be a few assignments, however, by setting goals students can complete the assignments on time and receive the proper grade they deserve. Although, students come excited to class, they eventually find the whole college experience anxiety provoking and threatening (Halawah 380). To be able to prevent getting anxiety and feeling threatened by the tedious amount of work, students need to feel motivated by setting goals so they can continue to thrive throughout the semester. Some goals that could help students flourish in their academics could be how are they going to achieve good grades? Are they going to need to attend tutoring for when they need additional help? Will they set a specific time to study and complete assignments? Nevertheless of the goals students set, goals need to be specific in order to be achieved.
Many things can affect students' motivation to work and learn, such as the desire to achieve, self-confidence, and self-esteem (Halawah 379). Students must come to school excited and ready to take on whatever is thrown in their way. Most students try to avoid taking challenges because they feel it is too hard, or simply because they do not enjoy the class.