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Ray Rice and the National Football League

            Ray Rice is an African American male who once played in the National Football League. Ray Rice has been living under the scrutiny for this whole year. Back in February of 2014, Ray Rice was videotaped dragging his then fiance' (Janay Palmer) out of an elevator with Ms. Palmer laying there unconscious. On February 15, 2014 both Palmer and Rice were arrested on simple assault charges. It was known that Palmer and Rice had gotten into a fight at the Revel Casino in Atlantic City. After the video was released to the public, Ray Rice was indicted on aggravated assault charges which carry a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Then there is a twist. In March of 2014 Janay Palmer and Ray Rice gets married. They were planning on getting married sometime during the summer, but they decided to have the wedding in March instead. In May Ray Rice rejects the plea deal and applies for the pretrial intervention program which is him completing probation and attending anger management class. After all this time, the NFL decided to take action. In August of 2014, the NFL decided to suspend Ray Rice for only two games. On August 28th the NFL admit that they didn't get it right with Ray Rice's suspension and decided to strengthen their domestic violence policy. Then a major twist comes about. .
             On September 8th, video surfaces the internet of Ray Rice punching his wife in the face several times in the elevator he dragged her out of unconscious. The same day TMZ released the video, the Ravens terminated Rice's contract. The decision was driven not only by the video, but also because Rice was dishonest with the team about what had transpired. Later on that day the NFL took action and suspended Rice indefinitely. Rice was also removed from the video game Madden 15 and the Ravens decided to allow fans to bring their Ray Rice jerseys in for exchanges and refunds. After the 8th, things seemed to calm down in this fiasco that has been going on for months.

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