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Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer - Sociology Theorists

In this stage Comte suggests that society seeks answer to absolute knowledge by explaining it as an act of nature essentially now replaces a supernatural being with nature. The third and final stage is the Positivist stage and in this stage Comte suggests that society surrenders their quest for absolutes and instead seek empirical knowledge and abstract law. .
             Spencer believed that the evolution of a society was based upon three dimensions and that was integration, heterogeneity and definiteness. With an increase in integration with come a more heterogeneous society. According to Spencer, a homogenous society are constantly changing and these change affect all parts of the entire system ultimately resulting in a heterogeneous system. Spencers third dimension is definiteness or in other words, segregation. Society is segregated and within those segregations has its own unique characteristics and when these segregated parts integrate it furthers the multiplication of effects (Ritzer 134). There are many differences regarding Comtes and Spencers political views. Comte felt that positivism was the only way a society could have both order and progress and should be led by a priest. Comte's positive philosophy was designed to counter the negative philosophy and its symptoms that he found all around him (Ritzer 109). Comte saw positivism as working to bring order within other sciences and it would do the same within sociology. From a moral standpoint, Comte believed in altruism. Comte believed that people should live for others as supposed to selfishly for themselves. Comte felt that egoism was a huge part in the decline of a society. Left to their own accord society would succumb selfishness and therefore outside forces such as the Religion for humanity is needed to help created an altruistic society. People cannot be left to the own devices; it would be a cause for complete and utter chaos where structure and order is needed.

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