One meaning of growing up poor in America is, one goes canning to make money. According to the video, a squished can is two cents, and a not squished can is five cents. Another meaning could be having a certain time one has to eat at. If a poor child living at the Salvation Army misses his time to eat, he will eat at the next given time. In addition, a poor child living in America is unstable. For example, Kaylie moves around so many times that her mother can't sign her up for school. Not only is growing up poor affecting Kaylie's eating habits and communication skills, but it is also affecting her future.
The most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the video's line of reasoning is, it is not the children's fault that they are living in poverty. It is not Brittany's fault that her father got laid off, and that her mother is so ill that she cannot drive or have a job. It is not Kaylie's fault that her mother only get's paid $1,480 a month and her bills go up to $1,326. It is not Jasmine's fault that recession was coming about, which caused her father's job to decline. In order to understand this video, and to take action, viewers need to put their selves in these children's shoes. These seven children, among sixteen million other children, are living in poverty and have no control over it. The video failed to address what an individual can do in order to help these kids living in poverty. The video simply showed the life of these poor kids, but didn't address any action. The video showed what schools could do to help these children. For example, Brittany's school provided a Nutrition Club. Basically, a poor student gets a bag of food every Friday that must last for the weekend. Britney's bag contained the following items: cereal, applesauce, fruit, milk, beef stew, and beef lasagna. The video failed to show what citizens could do to help these children. If people take the video's line of reasoning seriously, than children living in poverty can possibly go to school and have a future.