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Corruption and Scandal in State and Local Government

             Corruption is an obvious issue which plagues society today. "People in countries worldwide perceive government corruption as a widespread problem. This includes countries with a free press -- an indicator of good governance and development -- and those where media freedom is limited " (Sonnenschein 2013.) There are two types of corruption. The first being power misconduct. This occurs when someone involved in government allows power to take control. The second type of corruption is personal misconduct. This creates a field day in America. This includes sexual, drugs and drinking misconduct. But these forms of corruption while sometimes funny are very serious issues plaguing society today. "While experts disagree on what defines a good government, undoubtedly one desirable characteristic is that it has relatively few instances of corruption "officials who use their public office for private gain" "(Falvin 2013.) This corruption can be measured on all levels.
             The federal government has certain standards to which it is supposed to uphold as does the state governments. The federal governments require the following; "To ensure that no person or group would amass too much power, the founders established a government in which the powers to create, implement, and adjudicate laws were separated. Each branch of government is balanced by powers in the other two co-equal branches: The President can veto the laws of the Congress; the Congress confirms or rejects the President's appointments and can remove the President from office in exceptional circumstances; and the justices of the Supreme Court, who can overturn unconstitutional laws, are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate "(White House 2014.) This being stated it would seem that it would be difficult for corruption to occur. But unfortunately things are able to be skewed into the favor of the official which has become corrupt or is taking part in a corrupt act.

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