When it is closing time, and the summer comes to an end, the students must pack their bags and head out for move in day. With that being said, the dorm or wherever the future student is staying, is not just like their room at home. There will not be as much room as at home. Be sure to only take the necessities, not the whole room. "If you're moving in to a campus residence hall room, you most likely have been assigned a very specific time for pulling up to the building and unloading your items. Make sure to stick with this schedule. Not only will things be easier for you during your time to unload, but they will also be easier for you for the rest of the day. Move-in day is usually crammed full of events, meetings, and to-dos, so sticking to your assigned move-in time is of high importance." (Lynn Lucier, Kelci. "What to Expect on College Move-In Day" About. Web. 11 Sept. 2014). Post move in day comes the classes. The bitter-sweetness of the first day of school, excited to see some familiar, some new faces, but dreading the first college class.
There is an uncanny amount of differences from the typical classroom in a high school versus the typical college class. The teachers in college do not care if their students show up to class or not. According to Southern Methodist University, ("How Is College Different from High School." - SMU. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.) classrooms can exceed 100 students, so if one does not show up it will not mean that much to the professor. Parents are no longer there to wake their "little baby" up when they should be getting up and ready for their first class of the day. Too many students end up dropping out of college due to the fact that they never show up for their classes and lack of effort in the classes that they do show up for. Along with missing classes and slacking off in class, if a class period is missed the students are expected to get the information for themselves from peers or attend the appropriate office hours to get the needed assistance.