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Internal Assessment - Achievement Standard

cdc.gov/physicalactivity/everyone/guidelines/children.html from the results of our survey, 59% of students were doing under 7 hours of physical activity, this was alarming as over half of the group were doing less physical activity than the required minimum. .
             This group of year 10s that we were promoting physical activity to, were the A Class a group of year 10 students that excel in their academics. Focusing largely on their academic work many told us in the survey that there largest barrier they faced when getting involved in physical activity was the lack of time they had, and the their biggest enabler was the fun and enjoyment. Thus we came to a conclusion that the issues that we were facing with this specific group of year 10 students needing more physical activity something that was both accessible to them and fun and enjoyable. We made our final assumption that A class students predominantly excel at their academic studies and lack at physical activities. .
             Task Two - Actions .
             1. Incentives .
             Incentives played a huge role when it came to promoting physical participation in physical activity to our specific group of year 10s. The definition of incentives is a item/object that motivates or encourages someone/group of people to do something. The reason that this plays a huge part of promoting participation physical activity as these incentives helped us motivate the students in our group motivation will lead students who are not very active to participate in the activity we organized. The way that we got the students to be motivated by incentives was by rewarding them with items such as chocolates etc. .
             The reasons for giving them an incentive was because they are still very young teenagers and so instead rewarding one person or group of people to receive the incentives we made it that all of the students can receive the incentives if they tried hard enough. Example of this is in our log during the third and final lesson we did badminton we explained how in order to win the incentive that we prepared for them they needed to show the skills that we taught them in a game like situation, this allowed the groups that were assigned to them to motivate one another.

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