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The Craftsmen of the Civil Rights Movement

Hall being a former slave had insight into the harsh realities of life as a slave, and used his lodge as a platform to bring oppressions to the attention of people. In Hall's speech " A Charge Delivered to The Brethren," he addresses his masons as grand master and explains to his brothers that black people fought shoulder to shoulder for freedom and equality in the American Revolution, so for equality not to be given to black men was total hypocrisy. He tells them that they are noble men with values, and that because of this, they must live up to the principles of virtue and equality promoted by the Masons. Hall expressed that god made all men equal. Having a freed slave, when slavery was still around, saying that god made all, and all are equal was extremely impactful and showed the problems of society at this time and made them more radically apparent. Prince Hall gave African American's hope and a space to lead in a time where they had no other opportunities to lead. Hall laid the groundwork for Black American's and Black fraternal groups to build on; he was the beginning of the fight for civil rights. .
             Many years after Hall's death, the Prince Hall Masons continued to meet and promote lives of virtue, equality and democracy. By doing so they orchestrated the "Freedom Now Rally" of 1964. Lead by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, African American's marched to show that the pledge made at the March on Washington was still alive and strong. They were fighting for all Americans with the struggle for jobs and freedom7. They earned support from all different types of black organizations and businesses. The Prince Hall masons of New York helped serve as a route for non-political economic and social organizations to support the ongoing protests taking place during the civil rights movement8. By sticking to the traditions and guidelines executed by Prince Hall himself, the Prince Hall Masons have managed to stay strong and become truer than ever before.

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