Though these positions may require some hands on labor, they also offer great work experience, which is highly valued by forestry employers. Forestry students who pursue advanced degrees in forestry normally begin in technician, consulting, or manager positions. There is a major difference in terms of salary between entry-level position and advanced-level positions. .
Being a forester has many job benefits plus a great salary. The annual median wage for foresters in May 2012 was $55,950, but depending on the field of industry one is in and location of the job the income may be lower or higher ("Summary"). While the entry-level positions may have lower wages, positions in forestry such as consultants, technicians, and engineers provide hefty salaries. Also, those who are employed by private entities tend to make better salaries than those employed by the government. According the bureau of labor statistics, foresters typically work full time and have a standard work schedule (Summary). Although in some fields a forester may be called in during irregular times due to emergencies, such as a forest fire. The work environment of forestry workers of any location varies greatly. Some foresters may never see a day outside of the office while others carry out daily duties in the outdoors in places like national forests or secluded privately own land. The majority of forestry occupations take place in very rural areas of the country. Although this type of work environment isn't for just anybody, a lot of people seek work environments like those found in forestry. Working in this type of environment demands physically capable workers who can work independently. Forestry workers perform strenuous tasks such as planting and maintaining tree seedlings, thinning small trees, piling and burning brush, fighting wildfires ("Working "). Being in the field of forestry does not mean stuck working in the words for the rest of one's life though, gaining more knowledge and experience could lead to a career in law, engineering, statistics, and much more.