By definition, "offshoring" is the practice of moving labor outside the country," according to Encyclopedia Britannica. Offshoring began by hiring low skilled cheap workers from developing countries, like China, in the manufacturing of apparel, toys and other everyday items. This allowed the American companies to substantially lower the price of their product and increase the production (Offshoring"). These companies dominated the global market and the economy was thriving. Along with informational technologies advancement and globalization, companies were able to send high-skilled jobs in accounting, radiology, programming and customer service to India. India is a country with 1,102,900,000 population, according to the "Demography and Census-Taking,"" from Encyclopedia of India, that is fluent in English and people are willing to perform highly skilled work for very low wages. In 1990's jobs in IT were sent to India, Malaysia, and the Philippines, where workers received on average 13 percent of an American IT specialist's salary ("Offshoring "). This led to controversy over the benefits and disadvantages of offshoring for the U.S. economy, causing heated debates in the presidential elections. .
Those who support offshoring say that it has already benefited the American economy with increased production that stimulates the country's export power. Offshoring is necessary for the American corporations to be competitive on the global market. According to Timothy Taylor, in the article "In Defense of Outsourcing," "Producing more per hour is how the economy raises the average standard of living over time. U.S. firms have generated this remarkable productivity growth in large part by taking advantage of the gains in information and communications technology "and outsourcing is one mechanism by which this has happened" "(370). Lowering prices of the production allow for higher export of goods to foreign customers, it also benefits the American customers, providing them with cheaper goods.