The simple calculations (4 journeys per 8-hour work shift; income from a journey - maximum 3000 dram; 4*3000 dram = 12000 dram) show that income under normal conditions of work and without the above permitted standard passengers, is practically impossible. To earn this sum the drivers contrary to the labor legislation work 12-16 hours per day and 6-7 days per week, including all holidays, without the right of annual holidays and the medical certificates on disability. The transportation of the passengers above permitted standard (30-50%) at rush hours alongside with off-hour work are other basic source of the shadow profit in this sphere. The tax-free shadow incomes in this sphere are the followings: running out on routing lines unregistered vehicles, the discrepancy quantity of unpermitted vehicles and really working vehicles on routing lines, incomplete display of vehicle quantity in official daily reports, undeclared incomes of the chiefs of auto organizations and operators of lines etc.
In UPPVT as well as in many other spheres of economy of Republic of Armenia (RA) are elements of corruption. Enough mentioning, that state and political authoritatives in Republic have their economic interests in UPPVT. As a hidden demonstration of corruption we can note the repeated promises of authorities of Yerevan and Republic about purchasing of the large buses for UPPVT (in Yerevan 3500 microbuses and only 100 buses function) which till remains as promises. All the evidence of above mentioned facts support the claim that there is an transportation of above permitted standard passengers and brutal "exploitation" of UPPVT drivers, the fight against which carries formal and declarative character from supervising bodies for known reasons.
2. Practical Contribution of Research.
We cannot fail to observe that SE eradication and corruption in UPPVT is connected with several interrelated problems caused by general development of national economy, less development of democratic processes in society, presence of corruption in high echelons of authority.