The definition of literature, can be found also of explanation by Damono ( 2013:1), according to him, a literary work is created by an author, in order to be enjoyed, understood, and can be utilized by the member of society. Then an author himself is the member of society who can be separated from the certain social status. Literature is social institutions which use language as its medium, and language is a social production. Damono clarifies that literature is a social reflection of social reality. Analogously with the explanation of Damono above, Wellek and Warren (1989:109) also gave their explanation about the literature, they say that literature is a social institution, using as its medium language, a social creation. They are conventions and norm which could have arisen only in society. .
C. Sociology of Literature .
Based on the sociology of literature concept means that the study of literary work through the unification between literature and sociology (interdisciplinary). In understanding widely about sociology of literature, the researcher will give some explanations about the relationship between sociology as a science and literature as the social phenomena in the next session. In the view of literature, sociology of literature had already been presented by a Greek philosopher who lived around the 5th century and the 4th BC. So logically, the early development of literature cannot be separated from social activities and influenced by elements of culture and social circumstances. Sociology of literature has been the first time developed by Plato. In his document by the title "Ion and Republic", Plato discussed the relationship between the literary works and society. He believed that everything in this world was actually just an imitation of the highest fact in the world of thought (Damono, 2013:18). Nowadays, the sociological approach becomes the most widely performed in research, because it pays attention to the documentary aspects of literature.