e. cost controls involving tenders. As the employer employs consultants to provide guidance on all complications of design and cost, they thereby maintain total control over the design and quality required (Lawther, 2001). The main contractor is commissioned to begin construction based on the designs and fixed pre-tender cost estimates provided by the consultants. The contractor relies upon the necessary information and instructions from the architect being issued on time. There is a "risk of claims" (Turner, 1997) if a delay were to occur. Also referred to as 'traditional contracting', this procurement method is the most common form, as price certainty is granted before the start of construction.
Design and Construct (D&C).
This method has advanced in recent years and involves the client contracting a single company to supply both a design and to construct that design. In certain instances, the Design and Construct method can also include establishing a site area, organising funding and employing all necessary legislative consents (Love, 1996). Once the previous have been achieved, construction and the design begin in parallel. Price certainty is obtained before construction begins as client's requests are quantified and changes are not presented (Davis, 2004). Any changes to the client's requests may result in infringements with the overall estimated cost. Within this method, the client generally contracts the consultants to produce abstract designs, which should reflect the desired building and to verify the budget (Davis, 2004). The design is then given to the contractor, who completes the design and creates the certification required to erect the building. The contractor finalises the design in parallel with construction. This D&C method allows for a quicker start on site work. There is a greater certainty of cost. .
Management Contracting.
The common forms of management procurement that are used are categorised as: management contracting, construction management and design and manage (Turner, 1997; Franks, 1998).