Sheldon also tells us that crime has its roots deep inside the human psyche. He made me realize that, people are not born criminals that they are made. In the Courtroom, Defendant's Lawyer, David Kincaid was able to prove Ashley Patterson Innocent with the excuse that she has MPD, in which he was able to make clear in the Courtroom. He painted Ashley the victim "victim of MPD rather than a murder. Since then, the focus of the book has been on Ashley and how everyone hoped she becomes healed. The crime (series of murders) was hardly mentioned afterwards. .
On the other hand, the book leaves me confused about the trial. Five men "five individuals; five fathers; five sons; five brothers have been murdered. The murderer, Ashley Patterson got away with it with the excuse that she has MPD? How do we make up for this? Obviously, no one is to be blamed. The trial must have aroused a big controversy. It must have raised eyebrows in that community. Did it? Sheldon failed to mention! What about the families of the murder victims? Sheldon did not give a touch on this. How were they compensated? What was their reaction to Ashley after they found out she was sick. Was justice served on either side? On the murder victims' family part and on Ashley's part. I know for a fact that MPD is a complicated subject that has even left psychologists skeptic but then, Sheldon did not leave certain aspect balanced - (Though I can imagine how much thinking it would take to do this, particularly on this kind topic.).
Like I said earlier, this book is based on a controversial topic among psychiatrists - MPD. Sheldon would have the reader believe that different personalities can inhabit the same body. Indeed, he has his chief (fictional) MPD expert say just that: "It is a condition where there are several completely different personalities in one body."" (p.195, Sheldon 1998). The book makes the case that the personalities are so completely different that one of the personalities can be a serial murderer while the others remain perfectly innocent.