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Keeping the Arts in Education

This would be a plus toward the schools that continue to have problems with students scoring low on their standardized test. For example, if students are more exposed to the arts, they will be able to learn more about fractions, which are known as tempo markings in music, to increase the students' knowledge of math. Furthermore, with having these classes in the education system, students will have the opportunity to improve what they have learned and integrate them into the required class settings. It is crucial that the arts stay within the educational system because it will strongly improve student's ability to learn as well as life skills. .
             "25,000 students participated in the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS) of 1988 involvement was measured by number of art courses taken, number of out-of-school art courses taken, and attendance at museums outside of school" (Critical Links 78). In addition, the outcome of the study was that it "demonstrated that students who are highly involved in the arts in middle and high school in the United States perform better on a variety of academic measures than do students who are minimally involved in the arts" (Critical Links 78). In response, the schools that have decided to cut the arts from student's education are incorrect. Most schools believe that more time in the required classes will improve standardized test scores, instead of having them involved in the arts. Therefore, school's need to take the time and energy to sit in an art related classroom before deciding to cut the programs from the systems. .
             A majority of the civilizations across the world have become more recognizable with what they have contributed to the arts. From an educational standpoint, this could improve student's ability to become more well-rounded with the different cultures all across the globe. Art related classes have included math but also history into their curriculums.

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