Among the many fraternities in the United States, some fraternities are said to accept students after "drinking a whole bottle of alcohol nonstop" (Brown). Not sleeping for two days, carrying bricks in backpacks for weeks, and sexual intercourse are some of the many shocking things new members will do to earn their way into a fraternity or sorority. According to Kevin Brown, "you have to do whatever the frat [or sorority] tells you to do to get in, and that could be anything." Clearly, fraternities and sororities often do not respect the rights, opinions and well-being of their potential members. .
For many fraternities and sororities, academics are certainly not the key methods of attracting new members. Surprisingly, fraternities and sororities have quite an effect on student academic performances. According to Malaney's research, only 4% of all fraternity members surveyed said their academic performance improved while 26% claimed that their performance got worse (Malaney 3). Among the sorority members surveyed, 6% said their academic performance improved while 16% claimed that their performance got worse (Malaney 3). So what are fraternities and sororities focused on? Malaney found that 64.3% of male students surveyed said that fraternities "place too much emphasis on partying" while a result of 58.4% for females was discovered. This certainly supports Eric A. Storch and Jason B. Storch's research on fraternities, sororities and academic dishonesty. Storch found that the reasons for "higher rates of academic dishonesty in members is due to the limited amount of time allotted for class attendance, review sessions, and studying as a result of the substantial amount of time devoted to fraternal duties" (Storch 3). Clearly, there is a direct relationship between the amount of time spent for fraternal activities and academic dishonesty. .
One of the worst black marks on fraternities and sororities is the outrageous social parties sponsored by these organizations.