From this book, Sarah recites the words of the play that is about to become her reality. The final line, which Sarah forgets, reads, "You have no power over me."" A bell begins to toll and Sarah hurriedly rushes home, caught in a rainstorm on the way there. When she reaches her house, she argues with her "wicked " stepmother and is the left home alone with her baby brother, Toby, to tend to him for the night. While Toby cries, Sarah becomes fed up and wishes for the goblin king to come take him away. .
Much to her surprise, Toby disappears, and Sarah is suddenly in a battle of wits with Jareth, the Goblin King, in which she agrees to take his labyrinth challenge. Her quest is to make it through the labyrinth in thirteen hours, and only then will Jareth will return her brother safely. Her quest begins, and with help from many creatures along the way, Sarah learns valuable life lessons and finds her way through the labyrinth. At the end, Sarah and Jareth re-enact the final act of the play. The line that Sarah had forgotten earlier that day in the park is the line that ends the quest. She repeats, "You have no power over me, " and is suddenly transported back to her home, having defeated the Goblin King. Henson uses this colorful storyline to tell the tale of a young girl, not yet a woman, who must make her way from childhood to adulthood. Sarah begins the movie as a self-centered girl absorbed by fairytales and fantasies, but in the end she finds herself and is able to defeat that which is holding her back. The story is captivating, and successfully draws the viewer into the experience, providing entertainment as well as a great deal of life lessons.
"Labyrinth" was released to theaters in the year 1986; remembered by many as a childhood classic, most of whom were born in the 1980s and early 1990s. Despite it's obvious dedication to the era, "Labyrinth" is timeless in the eyes of all who have had the pleasure of enjoying its splendor.