The interchangeability of the two subjects is revealed and explored when both Mr. Kumars are present in the zoo. When the two individuals first encounter a massive zebra, the sufi shows his astonishment by saying "Allahu-Akbar"" (84) while the biologist simply says "Equus burchelli boehmi"" (84). As a interstitial subtext advocate, Pi expresses "it's very pretty,"" (84) basically summarizing the message of what the two Mr. Kumar's intend to convey. The sufi, Mr. Kumar states "Allahu-Akbar,"" which translates to "God is the greatest." He recognizes that the zebra is a spectacular creature created by one God. Whereas Mr. Kumar, the biologist expresses "Equus burchelli boehmi, " to reference the scientific name of the Zebra species. By doing this, the biologist distinguishes and categorizes this one type of zebra amongst other zebras apparent in the zoo. At last, Pi's viewpoint serves as a complement to the two Mr. Kumar's' opinion, simply "[The zebra] is pretty,"" expressing his own happiness without bias, as he does not see the two opinions as contradictory. .
Set in a dire life or death situation as a victim of shipwreck, Pi's fascination of religion and science serves as support and guidance to his survival in social isolation. Finding himself as a castaway, Pi applies his understanding of faith and reason to an orangutan and tiger who accompanies him on a compact lifeboat. Cheerfully welcoming Orange Juice "coming, floating on an island of bananas in a halo of light, as lovely as the Virgin Mary"" (111), Pi depicts his excitement through his careful use of visual imagery. Amused and full of life, Pi then compliments the orangutan's "flaming hair" which looks "stunning in the rising sun behind her"" (111). Again, Pi describes the orangutan's aesthetics by techniques of visual imagery, which not only shows his affection for her, but also extends to display his noticeable happiness. .
Moreover, Pi's use of allusion to naturally make a biblical reference to the Virgin Mary "mother of Jesus Christ "suggests the purity and kindness of the orangutan.