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Stalin and Soviet Society

In order to begin his revolution he ensured there were no objections to him as leader through the elimination of party leaders such as: Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev. After successfully removing the opposition the communist party led by Stalin launched a major revolution through the next decade that did not end until every class and member of society was suppressed. This revolution was primarily concerned with making the Soviet Union strong and powerful enough to withstand any external threat. .
             Another reason behind Stalin's decision to enforce rapid industrialisation was that Marxist society required that a socialist must be highly industrialised. As a result of this all members of the communist party were of the agreement that industrialisation was a necessity. The programme Stalin chose to implement in order to achieve this high level of industrialisation contained three major components. The first being complete nationalism and socialisation of all non-farming activity from large industry to small business. The second component involved central state planning where all economic decisions were to be made by Stalin and transmitted down to all enterprises and the final component involved the collectivisation of all the agricultural land under state control.
             In order to promote this plan Stalin set about implementing a series of five year plans. In 1928 Lenin's New Economic Policy was replaced by the first five year plan which sought to ensure that the Soviet Union gained self-sufficiency in agriculture through collectivisation. The second five year plan brought in from 1933-1938 placed an emphasis on transport and consumer goods and the third five year plan which was 2/3's complete when Hitler attacked the Soviet Union attacked the Soviet Union placed its emphasis on arms. The first five year plan was a vision, which believed that by increasing productivity in agricultural output, it would than be possible to finance industry, which in turn would result in an increase in living standards.

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