47% bonus (Kefgen).
To equalize salaries in the workforce, a solution that would be extremely beneficial is the enacting of a law to prohibit disproportionate salaries for equal work on the basis of sex. This would be along the same lines as Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 to the Civil Rights Act, which states, "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance," (Solomon). However, even Title IX, is abused by institutions at the expense of females, using the excuse in regards to athletics that boys are more interested in sports than girls, and therefore should receive more funding (Solomon). But in the workplace, no such excuse would be possible. Everyone must earn a living and individuals working in an equal position would, and should receive equal wages. Everyone should be able to have an equal chance at success because a woman is quite capable of being just as successful at careers thought to be "male dominated.".
For example, in 1975 Houston Police Department first allowed women to ride alone in a patrol car. During this period, the first class of women went through the department's Special Weapons and Tactics teams. These newly positioned females were revolutionary from the normal female employees of 1974- they underwent the exact rigorous physical training regimen and instruction that the male officers did, and passed the same physical tests that the male officers did. Now the Houston Police Department encourages females to follow a career in the field of law enforcement, strives to answer any questions, and assuage any fears that potential female officers might have about the position, if not in a belittling way. The Department prides themselves in providing many supervisory positions to females and also broke gender barriers in two ways recently in 1990 to 1992.