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Abuse - Victims and Survivors

Typical signs of emotional abuse include labeling the victim with insulting terms like "crazy", "bitch", and "stupid", humiliating the victim in public, and blaming the victim for the abuser's troubles and failures. Sexual abuse is something that is not as easily identified because victims usually just think that the sexual demands are not that serious. For example, many believe that "it is not sexual abuse unless intercourse is involved"(Crawford-Clark). But, that is not true. Sexual abuse, although it includes a constant demand of sex, can also include criticizing the victim in sexual terms, calling the victim names such as "whore" and "frigid", forcing the victim to witness sexual acts with other people, and using threats to back up demands for sex. Physical abuse can escalate from painful pinches or squeezing to strikes that can cause permanent disabilities to the victim. As the violence increases, the abuser targets parts of the body, such as the torso, where injuries are less likely to show (McCue 6). Other signs of physical abuse include pushes and shoves, slaps or bites, chokes, throwing of objects at victim, restraining victim then kicking and hitting victim, throwing victim, causing broken bones and other damage, and, in extreme cases, murdering the victim. .
             Many women who are victims of domestic violence suffer far worse consequences than just bruises, scars, or broken limbs. These consequences range from chronic headaches, sleeping and eating disorders, multiple injuries to the head, neck, abdomen, and vaginal area, to death (Gordon 5). Psychological problems also arise from exposure to domestic violence. The long-term impact of violence includes depression, fear, anxiety, lowered self-esteem, and PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder). Depressive symptoms include blunted affect, numbed responsiveness, reduced social involvement, feelings of worthlessness, and increased levels of intended and successful suicide.

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