The United Nations Development Action Framework (UNDAF) 2013-2017 reflects the work of all United Nations (UN) entities working in India. It has been developed in partnership with the Planning Commission as the nodal partner from the Government of India (GoI); prepared in collaboration with government agencies, civil society, donors and other key development partners.
The design of the UNDAF document has evolved out of strategic discussions - both within the UN and with partners - to determine how the UN System in India is best suited to support the development goals of the country.
In order to better reflect the UN's contribution to India's development (no longer to qualify as assistance in view of India's middle income country status), the UNDAF 2013-2017 has been renamed as UN Development Action Framework. The UNDAF 2013-2017 for India is harmonised with the Twelfth Five Year Plan of the GoI. The UN Country Team (UNCT), led by the UN Resident Coordinator (UNRC) decided that a complementary country assessment be undertaken to identify development challenges which form the basis for the UNDAF. Further, the UNCT determined that the UNDAF would focus on areas where UN entities could bring to bear their collective comparative advantage to deliver joint outputs.
Together with the Planning Commission, the nodal agency for the UNDAF, the UNCT has ensured that there is coherence between the planned interventions of the UN and GoI's priorities as articulated under the six UNDAF Outcomes. The design of the UNDAF document is innovative. It captures the complete range and richness of the UN's work and the focus on joint programming. There are two parts to this document:.
1. The narrative for the UNDAF outcomes reflects the totality of the work of all UN entities (whether undertaken individually or jointly), thus providing a comprehensive logic for how the UNDAF outcomes will be achieved.
2. The UNDAF results framework reflects the UN's joint work.