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Summary - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Sound plays a significant role in showing the couple's relationship together, but by also drawing attention to the opposite personality traits of the characters. This is seen when happy, non-diegetic music plays softly in the background when Clementine and Joel are both talking happily, and also through the unpleasant and diegetic squeak of the train that replaces the music when the tension rises between the both of them because of their polar opposite personalities and the miscommunications they have during their conversation. This train scene shows Joel and Clementine getting along as complete strangers, which suggests that the procedure they both underwent, serves as evidence that lack of a person's memories contributes to a person's well- being of their personality traits and themselves as a whole. The pattern of sound in the movie contributes to the content within the film, for it allows the preferred reading to be interpreted by the audience.
             Along with the film's content of the pattern of sound, is the pattern of the characters' narration in the film; this contributes to the interpretation of the main idea. The narrative between both Joel and Clementine, displays aspects of both of their personality traits. During Clementine's conversation with Joel she mentions that she is a fan of many types of hair dye and the creative names the dye is given, and says that she "Applies her personality into paste" (Gondry 5:43). Although this does not contribute to the advancing of the stories plot, it does reveal of one of the main character's personality traits, while drawing attention to the film discourse patterns of colour and camera angle.
             The film's content of narration draws attention to the film's discourse of colour. This is shown through Clementine's hair colour changing through the film and the colour of clothes both characters are wearing, display connotative meaning, while adding context to the film.

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