O. Ireland in 1930." (Cook) This practice began in the 1940's and progressed into special education today. It is important to put into context what is bibliotherapy and literature's function for children throughout history. .
Literature for children was intended to instruct children in religion, up until the mid-1800's. In the 1850's children were given the opportunity to read fiction stories geared toward them for one purpose, entertainment. The term bibliotherapy was coined in 1916 by Rev. Samuel McChord Crothers in the periodical Atlantic Monthly. "In this article, Crothers offered the term 'bibliotherapy' (/biblio/ the Greek word for book) to give the process a name." (Jack) The term has remained since Crothers' coined the phrase. It has been in practice since Ireland's theory went from idea to practicality in the 1940's. This lead to what is now known as special education.
Special education is a term used for those students who need extra help in learning. (Special education and bibliotherapy is also intended for those who are gifted as well. For the purpose of this essay we will concentrate on the former more than the latter.) The students who need the extra services usually will display behavioral struggles and thus results in common practiced disciplinary actions. "Student misbehavior regularly results in removal from the educational setting, typically through the use of in-or-out-of school suspensions, even though research does not demonstrate that any kind of suspension serves as deterrence from future misbehavior, conversely, many researchers have shown connections between suspensions and negative outcomes such as continued academic failure, negative school attitudes, and higher dropout rates." (Schreur) These methods are focusing on the behaviors and are short term solutions. They do not focus on the real issues the students may be having. Progressively, more schools are focusing on breaking the vicious cycle that starts with conflict and progresses through frustration to the inevitable failure, preventing the students to acquire the skills for their education.