Production and Operations.
Is a big department which can be separated into different areas like product planning, production control and final quality checks. All this areas are followed from the beginning of the process, since the raw material is taken from the warehouse until it arrives at the actual manufacturing process. Also this department is in charge with repairing the faulty parts, storing extra parts and deliver them to the sales department.
Is the department which has to deal with actual sale of the product, doing deals for customers, get rid of the stocks and quotation of products to customers.
Customer Support .
This department is used to deal with customer enquires about the products but also deals with customer complains. Their main job is to make the customer happy and to answer to all its questions. Also they have to keep an record of all the calls and enquires done and also to make sure that they receive an positive feedback from any customer.
Human Resources .
Deals with staff training, hiring and interviewing new people, advertising new jobs, keeping a record of all employees' performances, monitoring work conditions and staying in close connection with trade unions. .
Identification of Data Elements Flowing out of Functional Areas.
1. Administration - The specialized department which collect, distribute and process all the information from three main departments, the marketing one, the financial one and the R&D one and establish if the product will be produced or it will have to be reengineered. .
2. Marketing - The stage where the product conceptualization starts based on initial ideas. The initial ideas must come from the market research based on what any customer stated that they will enjoy if that specific product will appear on the market. The customer needs may include redesigning of a specific part, making it fancier or including new technologies etc.