This essay will state how drug use is a form of deviance. It will also show how alcohol is a form of .
deviance, even thought it is legal, and conventional. Then I will expain what I consider to be deviant .
when it comes to alcohol and drinking. Keep in mind that deviance is a matter of relativity and .
degree, it's behavior, beliefs or characteristics that violate, depart or deviate from basic norms and ae .
likely to generate negaive reactions.
Drug use is a form of deviance. Deviant behavior is shown in cases of the wrong substance being .
taken, doing it often, under the wrong circumstances and with undesirable consequences. Drug use is .
considered deviant when it's taken for that person to "get high". This way attracts condemnation and .
thats considered deviant. Sometimes using medicines that are supposed to be prescribed, without a .
prescription is labeled as deviant, and it's always illegal. People that use a drug all the time are also .
considered deviant.
Alcohol is legal and conventional, but it can also be considered deviant. When alcohol is consumed .
destructively, chronicly or uncontrollably it is considered deviant. It also depends on religon. .
Traditional Mormons and strict fundamentalist Christians consider consumption deviant. Consuming .
alcohol in innappropriate occasions or situations is also deviant. Selling alcohol to a minor, driving .
under the influwnce, a minor buying alcohol and public intoxication are also deviant. Alcohol may .
sometimes cause violent behavior and that behavior is deviant.
Now is what I consider to be a level of drinking that is considered deviant. The paragraph above .
pretty much makes my points clear. I want to say that anything more than a drink or two is deviant. .
There is no need for someone to drink anymore than that. They just act stupid or say things that don't .
mean anything. Even start fights. I, personally don't see why anyone would drink any more needed .