*Immunization is LONG LASTING. As B- cells and T-cells have a memory, they are able to recognize the antigen and are able to mount a more immediate immune response.
- Micro-organisms are microscopic, and are one celled organisms. .
- Include bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. .
- They can live in air,land, water and inside plants and animals. .
- Micro organisms can be beneficial, pathogenic, or non-pathogenic .
- Pathogenic: disease causing .
Risk Factors for Bacterial Infection .
- Age: Individuals who are older in age, have an increased risk of bacterial infections.
- Nutritional Status: The body requires a balanced diet that provides nutrients, minerals and vitamins for an.
effective immune response. .
- Genetic Predisposition: Some people that have a genetic predisposition to bacterial infection. .
Respiratory Infections.
- Upper respiratory tract infections, Otitis media (ear infection), Tuberculosis.
Gastrointestinal Infections.
- Salmonella,Shigella, Campylobacter jejuni .
Skin Infection .
- In hospitals and health care facilities, the most common infections are urinary tract infections, pneumonias, skin and.
soft tissue infections and invasive bloodstream infections. .
- Antibiotics are the bacterial treatment. These drugs kill invading bacteria without harming the host. Antibiotic.
effectiveness depends on mechanism of action, drug distribution, site of infection, immune status of the host, and.
resistance factors of bacteria.
-Antibiotics can be bacteristatic (paralyze the bacteria) or bactericidal( kill the bacteria).
Major Classes of Antibiotics .
1) Penicillins .
2) Cephalosporing .
3) Fluoroquinolones .
4) Tetracyclines.
5) Macrolides .
Penicillins .
- Oldest class of antibiotics.
- Bactercidal .
- Effective against bacteria that are sensitive/ susceptible to penicillins.
- There are 4 groups of penicillins .
A) Natural: eg. penicillin G&V, narrow spectrum .
B) Penicillinase Resistant: eg.