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Development of Clinical Psychology

In their efforts, these men were able to demonstrate healthier and more fashionable ways of treating patients rather than the previous harshness and lack of concern for those suffering. .
             Finally, Dorothea Dix was another figure who helped shape the reform movements. She was a figure for many of those fighting for better facilities in which the patients were staying. She was able to take control and fight for this cause using her wit, logic, lobbying, and especially getting support from the general public. She was able to grab the publics' attention by speaking about how horrid and unsanitary that the mentally ill lived in. In response to the movement, in 1848, New Jersey agreed and created a hospital for the "insane". In accordance to this, 30 more states would later follow. (Prinstein and Trull 2005). After campaigning for 40 years for humane treatment and better facilities for those who were mentally ill, Dix managed to become chief of hospital nurses for the Union forces during the Civil War. .
             What these individuals; Pinel, Tuke, Todd, and Dix, had in common was they shared a similar issue in which they wished to change for the betterment of the mentally ill. They all fought, rebelled, and insured that changes were to be made in making hospitals caring and humane, rather than not aiding patients in their needs. They believed that everyone should be treated equally and should get help where help is wanted. These individuals helped shape the thinking, logic, and views of psychology especially regarding the needs of others in or out of a clinic. .
             The term clinical psychology was not used much until the 1850's. Rather the essence of clinical psychology was used in order to try and assess and learn more about people. Lightner Witmer was considered the man who founded clinical psychology. He established the first psychology clinic and training program in 1896 and was the author of Psychological Clinic.

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