Prostitution's literal meaning is, the act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money or payment. Prostitution has been and always will be known as the oldest running "job." "There have been movements and laws to make it illegal but others, such as Hammurabi's codes, allow it only if one had the consent of your father. Everyone that goes into this career usually has one thing in mind, and that is money, or just the sexual activity, or sometimes evens both! Prostitution is the third largest means of income in the world, under drug dealing and selling of warfare equipment. Also estimates place the annual revenue generated from the global prostitution industry are runaways, with gang members recruiting them at school, parties or through mutual friends. Prostitution has existed for centuries and it seems like it will never end due to the outrageous amount of people that are involved in this. .
Many people around the world believe that prostitution is one of the greater goods in the world. "The united states is rooted on freedom of speech, religion and trade. The first two are specifically mentioned early on within The Constitution. Those inalienable rights are not given to us by the constitution, but are instead protected by it. So why violate the premise by prohibiting relations between consenting adults?"" (Bovard). The constitution basically states that US citizens are entitled to freedom of doing what pleases them. So if the population of the United States wants to choose prostitution as a career, then that must be accepts. "If this career becomes accepted the governments will benefit from it. If the governments could collect taxes from this job, like other regular careers/jobs, then it could potentially boost the economy" (Noer). Hotels, planes, and medical care are all ways that money can be moved around due to the constant use by all of the prostitutes. Money being moved around means an even faster way of helping out with the economy and potentially increasing this bad economy.