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The Spoken Word - Oral Presentation

According to Koegel, the major part of people forget 95% of information in several minutes after hearing it (2008: 47); thus the text for presenting has to be written in an audience-friendly way, for example, by avoiding complex syntax and abuse of epithets or subordinate clauses, so that the audience can easily perceive the message. When presenting a written text, the word "text" becomes replaced by the word "conversation" since it is created not for the eye, rather for the ear.
             From time immemorial language has been a challenging subject of investigation for many scholars, and language which has been produced as the result of an act of communication in particular. In consequence of the fact that with time linguistic research went beyond the scope of simple sentences to the field of above-phrasal syntax the notion of discourse appeared. Thus, from the linguistic point of view, discourse refers to a complex linguistic unit that consists of a range of sentences being semantically connected with each other (ibid.). Moreover, in discourse, a distinction is made between written and spoken discourse. Whereas written discourse concerns written texts, spoken discourse concentrates on oral speech. .
             Depending on time, place, purpose and interlocutors, in accordance with Warren (2006: 3-4), a list of spoken discourse types can be singled out, namely:.
             - bureaucratic encounters.
             - interviews.
             - business interactions.
             - business meetings.
             - telephone conversations.
             - courtroom discourse.
             - service encounters.
             - workplace discourse.
             - classroom talk.
             - news interviews.
             - academic discourse.
             - oral presentations.
             - academic seminars.
             - meetings.
             - public speaking.
             - genetic counseling.
             - nurse-patient discourse.
             - doctor/patient consultations.
             Each type of spoken discourse, being either message-oriented or listener-oriented, deliberated or impromptu, implies the concept that the verbal message has to be accurately and clearly delivered to the listener.

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