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Heroic Boast

            The Heroic Boast is found in many of the ancient epics, as well as many modern ones. This exaggeration of one's ability is used to dramatize a situation, making the hero shine in the eyes of the beholder. From "Star Wars", to "The Odyssey", The Heroic Boast is found in them all. We all possess our own qualities to be boasted about. I like to think that my ability to "Sweet-talk" my way out of most situations, and talking my way into some is one to most definitely boast about.
             I remember the days of living in New York. I had many friends, one of which I was particularly attracted to. She was an amazing individual, hence the attraction. Upon my telling her of my feelings, we went through a transitional period of "I don't know," and "Maybe it's not a good idea." Nevertheless, with my unyielding nature and my fast mouth, I focused upon this endeavor and came out successful. I did not put any "meaningless lines" past her, I told her the truth. That she was an amazing person, one I admired and respected wholly. Eventually, my smoothness won her over, and we shared a relationship that to this day we have yet to regret. We are both quite thankful for the "Sweet-talk" that allowed us both to become such great friends.
             Fast-forwarding a bit, we come to another "Talk Fast or lose" Situation. I wanted to spend the past summer in New York. Visit friends and family, parties and more. The argument was definitely hard-fought. Especially going up against my father, another smooth-talker, more noted for his ability to think quite rapidly. His views on the situation included, "You need a job," and "We need you here to help us out." I tried my best to win this argument, but my father is like the evil arch-nemesis, that one enemy who cannot be overcome. So I needed some help in this ordeal. Help came in the form of some very bad luck. I needed to take a summer school course, or risk not graduating on time. We decided that it would be best if I took the course in New York.

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