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The Appropriation of Native American Style

             The Native American culture holds a lot of value in their clothing making process. They pride themselves in the tremendous amount of work they put into making their clothing. Indians used animal skins, feathers, and quills along with other animal products to assemble pieces to, not only cover, but protect themselves as well. It consisted of intricate beadwork and detailed headdresses. Most elements of Indian clothing evolved around their religion. Women were primarily the seamstresses in the tribes. Clothing is one of the elements that have kept the culture's identity and history; however, fashion merchandisers have found a way to try to recreate it. This recreation has become very popular in contemporary fashion. They have failed to understand the amount of work and dedication that Native American women underwent in the clothing making process. Native Americans feel certain possessiveness towards their culture because they were a culture that were oppressed and degraded since the forthcoming of the English and Spaniards to the Americas. .
             The appropriation of the Native American culture through the fashion industry, has in many ways defamed and continued to misrepresent their values and history. The practice of appropriating the native culture has displeasured Indians because Indians feel entitled to every aspect of their culture, since much of it has been taken away from them. Their way of dressing and how the presented themselves to society was connected to individuality of the culture and the roots of their ethnicity. The mass production of Native American inspired clothing has devalued the historical context attached to how women from the tribes created and assembled each individual piece of clothing for themselves and their loved ones. Also, Indians considered it honorable to be able to wear many of their pieces among their tribes considering that it had moral attachments to their specific religion.

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