St. Vincent de Paul Ladies Guild founded to assist Father Joe and the Center. This volunteer corps of Father Joe's former parishioners was formed into the Ladies of Charity, Auxiliary to St. Vincent de Paul Center. The Ladies assisted in fund raising activities and volunteered their talents to many programs at the Center and later St. Vincent de Paul Village. In 1994, the Auxiliary became the Village Ladies Guild, having voted to focus its efforts entirely on serving and raising money for St. Vincent de Paul Village. Through the years, the Ladies have worked selflessly in many important Village traditions. .
Today more than 240 members of the Ladies Guild continue volunteering and making a difference in the lives of neighbors in need. " 1984 - "First Annual San Diego International Triathlon benefiting St. Vincent de Paul Center begins at Spanish Landing directed by Rick Kozlowski. The event has continued every year since, raising over a million dollars for the Village. 1986 - "Father Joe and Roger Hedgecock begin their annual radiothon benefiting St. Vincent de Paul Center. This benefit has become a San Diego charity highlight every December. 1987 - "Staked by a lead gift from Joan Kroc, the Joan Kroc Center opens for 350 children and adults at St. Vincent de Paul Center, 1501 Imperial Avenue, San Diego. Congregation Beth Israel begins its Hunger Project and serves weekly Sunday meals at the Center.
1988 - "St. Vincent's founds National AIDS Foundation and opens Josue Homes for people living with HIV/AIDS in central San Diego. San Diego Office of Education establishes Harbor Summit to serve homeless children at Center. The Medical Clinic opens in Joan Kroc Center, staffed by many volunteers from Kaiser Permanente. The Center receives the "United Nations International World Habitat " award for building and social housing excellence. Ladies Guild launches its first annual Santa's Workshop for Center parents to obtain presents for their children without charge, a benefit that continues to this day.