Collectively, these four drugs accounted for nearly $20 billion of Pfizer's 2008 revenue, or about forty percent.
Additionally, Pfizer's animal health segment also markets a number of products. Among these products, medication for animal parasites constitutes the largest market, particularly for companion animals as this product line is primarily composed of medicines for parasites like worms and fleas. The brand Revolution is the largest selling parasiticide of the company for companion animals.
In 2006, Mr. Jeff Kindler was named the new Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer. Mr. Frank D'Amelio is the Chief Financial Officer of Pfizer, responsible for the both the financial and business operations of the company, while Ms. Freda Lewis-Hall, M.D. is Senior Vice President & Chief Medical Officer for Pfizer. As the most senior physician at Pfizer, Dr. Lewis-Hall leads medical, patient safety, regulatory affairs and quality assurance efforts throughout the company, as well as outreach to doctors and other medical professionals. .
To maximize new opportunities in biomedical research and bring more innovative medicines to more patients more quickly, Pfizer has created two distinct research organizations. The Pharmherapeutics Research & Development Group, led by President Martin Mackay, focuses on the discovery of small molecules and related modalities. The BioTherapeutics Research & Development Group, led by its President Dr. Mikael Dolsten, focuses on large-molecule research, including vaccines.
Pfizer has also developed an enhanced commercial operating structure. Pfizer has nine diverse health care businesses: PrimaryCare, SpecialtyCare, Oncology, EmergingMarkets, EstablishedProducts, Consumer Healthcare, Nutrition, Animal Health and Capsugel. Each of these businesses is led by an executive with clear accountability for results - from product development following proof of concept to providing access to patients and through to the end of the product's life cycle.