However, even better tests cannot outweigh the most important negative impact of standardized tests. A Toch and Wagner survey says "1 in 11 teachers reported pressure from administrators to cheat on standardized tests." While I'm sure that no teacher at a university such as Baylor would cheat because tests are mostly made by the teacher or at least approved by the teacher, teachers at schools that depend on a test's positive scores for income have a very big incentive to cheat. Also, since "tests are used multiple times," teachers can avoid the "cheating " title by simply teaching the exact questions that will be covered on the test beforehand. Boese closes the article with ideas like putting less pressure on tests and formatting them differently.
In Kozol's article, "The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society"," Kozol's purpose was to educate and make aware to the literate society the disadvantages of the underground illiterate society. He first starts with an allusion to a previous dream he often had before and then goes on to the banal inconveniences of being illiterate such as "reading letters, cannot help with homework." They cannot write a letter to the teacher "(Kozol). With these small examples, Kozol appeals to the pathos of the reader by bringing up examples that most people can relate to. Kozol then increases the severity of the possible mistakes that could happen should illiterates be put into that situation "read instructions on a bottle of prescription medicine, sign their names to documents they cannot read, couldn't understand the bills or write the checks to pay them" "(Kozol) are all more serious examples than "cannot help with homework. " Kozol ends his essay by appealing to the ethos of every human. Illiterate people lose their right to an identity. .
Names or ID's aside, the right to an actual identity is defined by a person making his or her original choices "You don't choose, you take your wishes from somebody else.