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            Uniforms are supposed to enhance learning and take away other problems, but what about the problems that they cause? There is no reason to believe that uniforms will reduce crime, bullying, and other types of harassment. People will say that uniforms will cut down the amount of money parents spend on clothing for their children. Finally it is said that uniforms also create other types of problems in schools. School uniforms are not as big a problem solver as they seem.
             school uniforms dont help kids learn because they are more interested in making their kilts shorter, etc. so many students are sent to the office for uniforms slips because they are trying to make the uniforms look better for them selves. by spending the time going to the office it takes away from their class time and that may hurt their marks. Also many students find uniforms uncomfortable. Also it is said that uniforms take away from bullying. The only thing bullying that is taken away is whether a student is wearing cool enough clothes. The other problems such as religion, looks, etc. are still there. Someone's religin cant be hidden behind a uniform, it is apart of who they are. Also uniforms make it harder for ppl to find a group they fit into becasue everyone looks the same so they may not be able to find someone who shares their interests in music, sports, etc.
             School uniforms may not be as wonderful as they seem, they can't hide a persons social, economic or racial background, so perhaps the focus should be placed on acceptance of peoples differences rather than trying to make us all the same. .

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